Alamo City School District Official Pleads Guilty


Following an investigation from the Comptroller Office a former Alamo City School District Official has pleaded to taking funds.

 Ashley Haworth, a former federal programs and technology director for the Alamo City Schools in Crockett County pleaded to taking school funds.

Haworth made five unauthorized personal purchases totaling $1,974.55 using a school district American Express credit card between April 2022 and May 2023.

Haworth was able to conceal her activity because she was the sole school district employee responsible for reviewing the monthly credit card statements. She also changed the login password to the American Express account which prevented access by other school district officials.

Haworth repaid the school district $5,902.73, which includes repayment of unauthorized personal purchases, accrued interest, and associated late fees charged to the district.

She entered a guilty plea to the Class A misdemeanor offense of attempted fraudulent use of a credit card over $1,000 in the Crockett County Circuit Court.

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