Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Releases Deer Harvest Numbers for Season


Kentucky Fish and Wildlife has released total harvest numbers for deer hunting for the past year.

The 136 day season concluded on January 15th, with just over 140,800 deer taken by hunters.

Fish and Wildlife reports showed 79,701 bucks were taken compared to 61,365 does.

Firearm season resulted in the largest harvest at 103,315, followed by archery season 14,959.

Hunters also combined to take over 22,000 deer by crossbow and muzzleloader.

The top deer harvest county in Kentucky this season was Hardin County, with Graves County in the No.8 spot.

The past deer season also resulted in a first for the state, as a two-and-a-half old buck was confirmed with Chronic Wasting Disease in Ballard County.

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