Union City Schools to Celebrate ACT Score Achievement


A celebration will take place in the Union City School System on Friday, after the release of state ACT scores.

School Communications Director Mike Hutchens said Union City schools were ranked sixth among more than 125 school districts.

The ACT cumulative average of 21.7 for the 2022-23 school year, continues a trend of Union City schools being ranked among the state’s elite.

Director of School’s Wes Kennedy said the school system takes great pride in ACT scores, which are a testament to top-notch teachers, students, administrators and parents.

With the accomplishment, Director Kennedy said staff and students at Union City Middle and High School will be rewarded with all-you-can-eat hot wings, ice cream and soft drinks on Friday.

Free ice cream will also be available to all Elementary School students, with staff treated to hot wings.

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