While no decisions or votes will be made tonight, the possible closure or merger of some Obion County schools could be discussed.
The Obion County School Board and County Commission will meet for a budget session at 5:00 at the Obion County Courthouse.
Director of Schools Tim Watkins told Thunderbolt News his plea will be for additional funding from the county board.(AUDIO)
Director Watkins said he expects some tough conversation from both sides.(AUDIO)
Thunderbolt News was sent a copy of six possible school system proposals, which did include the merger of students, the closure of Black Oak, Ridgemont or South Fulton Elementary, along with moving grades 9-thru-12 from South Fulton to Obion County Central to establish one high school.
Obion County Mayor Steve Carr said he has seen the possible proposals, calling it an emotional issue.
Today’s budget session will be held in the Courthouse Courtroom and is open to the public, but no comments will be allowed.