Christmas season events continue for Obion County Chimes for Charity.
Chimes Chairman Rachael McKinney said the children’s shopping tour went well in November.(AUDIO)
Ms. McKinney said the focus now is the preparation of the annual Christmas baskets that are delivered around the county.(AUDIO)
Volunteers are needed to help sort and pack the food and other items for the 300 baskets this year.
School, church and civic groups, along with local high school athletes, are urged to assist in the sorting and packing days.
Ms. McKinney said anyone wanting to help distribute the Christmas baskets on the morning of Christmas Eve can reach out to a Chimes member.
Donations are also being accepted to help achieve the $40,000 goal for Chimes for Charity.
Anyone wanting to donate can contact Ms. McKinney at the Obion County Chamber of Commerce office in Union City.