A recent cut in funding by the Obion County Commission, and other issues, has led to a request to cease county school busing in Union City.
Obion County Director of Schools Tim Watkins said he received the request from the Union City School System seeking the cease in operations on June 30th of 2025.
On Monday, Director Watkins told Thunderbolt News there had been an agreement reached with the issue.(AUDIO)
Also on Monday, Union City Director of Schools Wes Kennedy implied the $445,000 cut by the County Commission had him looking for funding sources.(AUDIO)
Director Kennedy said there was also other issues pertaining to the bussing in the city limits.(AUDIO)
Kennedy went on to say a new TSSAA rule is affected by busing.(AUDIO)
Director Kennedy said the decision to request the cease in bussing was in the best interest of the school system.
He added that all students, regardless of their socio-economic standing or race, were welcomed into their system.
(copyright 2024)