Governor Bill Lee has recognized Rachel Greene of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) with the Governor’s Excellence in Service Award.
Greene was named Assistant State Forester, Director of Forest Management in the TDADivision of Forestryin February of this year.In this role, she oversees the Forest Inventory and Analysis, Forest Health and Sustainability, Reforestation, and State Forests Units. She manages the division’s budget, grants, contracts, and staffing. Additionally, her purview includes fire suppression and prevention data, tree nursery operations, and the division’s unmanned aircraft systems programs.
She began her career with the division in 2020 as the Forest Data and Analysis Unit Leader where she was responsible for managing the data systems connected to forest health, reforestation, wildland fire, state forests, communication, and forest data. Her work as Unit Leader earned her aSpecial Achievement in GIS (Geographic Information System) Award at the 2022 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. User Conference, the world’s largest GIS conference.
“Rachel is an exemplary professional forester and herability to improveworkflows and use technologyis unmatched,” Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. said. “She also supports efforts to suppress wildfires and improve forest health. Rachel’s exceptional service extends beyond our Forestry Division. She’s created tools and resources for our Animal Health Division staff and Business Development Division consultants.”
Greene developed fire behavior maps usingstate-of-the-art technology and imagery that helps frontline firefighters make precise tactical decisions to help save lives and property. She improved the division’s Incident Management System fiResponse that provides real-time information on available resources, fire activity, and fire suppression.
She has supported workforce development programs by gathering large workforce datasets and distilling them into maps and visual aids that guide program activities for the division and for partnering organizations.
“Rachel proved her initiative and commitment to solutions as Forest Data and Analysis Unit Leader and continues that as Assistant State Forester,” State Forester Heather Slayton said. “Through efficient management of technology assets, she created more than $250,000 savings for the division. Rachel has developed multiple solutions and tools that help people communicate, plan, and improve their work. She has gained the respect of division employees and forest industry partners alike.”
Greene holds a B.S. in Biology from Stetson University in Florida and a M.S. in Forestry and Environmental Resources from North Carolina State University.
Greene’s love of agriculture stems from spending summers at her grandparents’ cattle and citrus farm in central Florida. Greene is an avid gardener and runner.