
Gleason board members are preparing to pass a $1,100,000 budget without raising taxes.  Board members will vote on second reading of the budget June 27th that will have no property tax increase.

Meanwhile the state told the city that that it must increase its water bill rate to comply with state standards. The city has not raised water rates in a number of years which is why the rate is increasing about 33 %.

Regarding water and sewer issues Mayor Charles Anderson said the city has received an American Rescue Plan grant for water and sewer that will move the city forward in technology.

The Mayor announced garbage rates will increase 3% and said the city has been getting good service from trash vendor Raekar.

Meanwhile Mayor Anderson took time to compliment City Recorder Marsha Hatley on the work she’s doing for the residents in the day to day administrative work that’s done at City Hall.

Also at the meeting Mayor Anderson announced the city of Gleason is preparing for its “Fourth of July” celebration which will be held on June 29th.   A “cruise in” with a number of cars will come through Gleason, food trucks, live music and fireworks will begin at dark.


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