Dresden City Fathers Approve City Budget

The Dresden City Board members have approved the new city budget unanimously with an increase on the tax rate.  Mayor Mark Maddox said the city has a balanced budget but there is an increase for fiscal year 2024-2025 .  The tax rate will  increase from a $1.07 to $1.22 to fund the balance and to help pay for the new City Hall.  Dresden city employees will receive a 3% increase used by department heads and assessed by the department heads for employees.

The budget breaks down with approximately  5,6 million dollars for the general fund, about 1.3 million for the water fund, $379,000 for the solid waste fund, and $4,000 in the drug fund bringing the total budget of  approximately $7,324.000.

Mayor Maddox also said that there may be an opportunity to bring some opportunities to the Dresden Industrial Park.

The Dresden City Board is comprised of Mayor Maddox, and aldermen Dr. Gwin Anderson, Ralph Cobb, Curtis  Doran, Dale Hutcherson, Kenneth Moore and Willie Parker.    Jennifer Branscum serves as the Dresden City Recorder

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