Perfect Attendance Rewarded by Union City Schools


Several students at both Union City Elementary and Union City Middle School were honored for perfect attendance for the 2023-24 school year.

At UCES, Jade Andrews was recognized for having not missed a day for four years. Andrea Esteban-Ortiz, Meliahya Morrow, and Marcus Foster recorded perfect attendance for the second year in a row.

In all, 16 students were honored.

Those with perfect attendance at Union City Middle School were honored at the school’s annual awards day ceremonies by administration.

There were 27 UCMS students who did not miss a single day this year.

Among those honored were:


(Front row, from left): Chysea Reaves, Andrea Esteban-Ortiz, Meredith Bird, Jimena Godinez, Gabriela Lopez Maldonado, Carson Hollomon, Tyree Henry, Will Parker Cruce.

(Back row, from left):  Ashlynn Custer, Taniylla Harrell, Jade Andrews, David Johnson, Brooklyn Maddox, Meliahya Morrow, Marcus Foster, Rylan Simpson.


(Front row, from left): Dulcy Chomo Pastor, Maribel Pastor-Hernandez, Kobe Maddox, Christian Vaughn, Devaya Alexander, Karsyn Kussmann, Caylee Luttrell, Charlie Belle Cruce, Blythe Ogden

Second ow, from left): Lyla Burnette, Randy Huynh, Jaybren Morrow, Ava Brooke Smith, Maria Hernandez Mejia, Nataly Maldonado, Gabriel Pocernich, Austin Powell, Jadence Dennis

Back row, from left: Grant Mobbs, Gio Fair, Will Kail, Brayson Smith, Kennedi Shields, Irving Martinez-Mendosa, Will D. McKinnis, Brayden Andrews, Montana King.

(photos: Mike Hutchens – School Communications Director)

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