A traffic stop on the I-690 roadway resulted in the arrest of a Memphis man.
Union City police reports said the traffic stop was initiated after a vehicle passed the officer at 80 miles-per-hour in a 70 mile-per-hour zone.
The report said a strong smell of marijuana was coming from the vehicle, with the passenger, 31 year old Lorenzo Cortez Goods, admitting to smoking earlier in the day.
A probable cause search of the vehicle included Goods handing over a small bag of marijuana.
A backpack that included Goods identification included a Taurus .9-milimeter pistol with 18 rounds, two digital scales, a small amount of cocaine and $1,847 in large bills.
After two straws were located containing cocaine residue, Goods was taken into custody on charges of possession of a firearm during a dangerous felony, possession of schedule 2 and 6 drugs and drug paraphernalia.
A criminal history check revealed multiple charges in Shelby