A large crowd of participants and spectators converged to the Obion County Fairgrounds this past weekend.
Obion County’s first ever West Tennessee Spring Klassic cattle show proved to be a big success.
Harris Pitts, one of the show organizers, told Thunderbolt News about the event at the livestock barn.(AUDIO)
During the event, 159 head of cattle were shown by 98 exhibitors, including six from Obion County.
Pitts said the cattle show will become an annual event, with expectations of growing participation.(AUDIO)
Results from Obion County participants showing in the West Tennessee Klassic:
Lucas Berner won Reserve Grand Champion Red Angus heifer.
Walker Wilbanks was 2nd in class with his commercial heifer and was 4th overall Showman in Junior High Division.
Layne Stover was 2nd in class with his market steer.
Kennedy Hastings 1st in class Hereford heifer.
Caroline Huebner was 1st in class commercial heifer, 2nd overall showman in Explorer division, Grand Champion Shorthorn Plus heifer, and Supreme Overall Grand Champion with her Shorthorn Plus.
Cole Huebner participated in showmanship.