(by: Karen Campbell, Weakley County Schools Communications Director)
Talent from across the county will be featured at the Weakley County Art Show Saturday, February 29 at 6:00 at the Weakley County Personal Development Center in Dresden.
Deadline to submit entries at schools is February 21.
The artwork will be judged by professionals in each of the four categories of painting, drawing, photography, and 3D/sculpture. They will judge each submission on the following: creativity (originality), technique (based on chosen style), skill, and overall presentation. First, second and third-place winners will be determined by grade-levels in each of the categories. Grade-level divisions are K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, and 9th-12th.
The event is made possible due to the leadership of Gleason Fine Arts Club members Libby Smith, Lily Shannon, and Katie Freeman and sponsor Jason Stephens who launched the art show as a means of celebrating the visual arts in Weakley County. Currently teachers from each school are encouraging submissions which will be collected by Weakley Arts Can volunteers February 21 at 3:00.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be notified prior to the show that they have placed. Winning entries will be revealed during the show. The matting and mounting of the winning pieces will be completed with the help of Michelle Williams, a local art instructor and member of Weakley Arts Can (WAC), the county arts advocacy group serving as one of the sponsors of the event. Williams will coach Fine Arts Club members in the proper handling of art to be featured in a show.
As a part of the evening festivities, members of Westview FCCLA will serve as the caterers for light hors d’oeuvres and two Westview seniors will provide musical accompaniment for guests as they take in the art. Destin McKeel will be on violin and Allison Zelenski on cello.
Following the art show that evening, the winning works will be part of a traveling exhibit before being returned to the artists.
All winners will receive prizes made possible by sponsors UT Martin Music Department, Discovery Park of America, Weakley Arts Can, and Weakley County Schools.